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Artistic director 


Art director in visual communication and multimedia, I realize different communication supports (logos, posters, videos, mappings...).

In the project "adduwize" for example, we imagine citizen campaigns as megaphones for the environmental cause to accelerate awareness and change... As a visual messenger, I am convinced that the propensity of artists to react to the world around them offers a privileged contact with political and social issues


Please feel free to contact me if you would like to collaborate in any way on the creation of socially conscious work, if you would like me to give a talk, or if you would like to meet with me to think about how we can change.

Stage director in the world of music


I have been coaching musicians since 2004, in their search for a visual and scenic identity, and the conception of their show. 

My work consists in helping them to develop their full potential as performers on stage (this involves the body, the voice, the musical instrument, and the aesthetic identity).

I also design and produce scenography, costumes and visuals to be effective and to reach the audience.

To fully embody the music, stage coaching highlights the dynamics of the performance, through a work of interpretation, and especially awareness of the performance space.

I have worked with artists of very different aesthetics, jazz, hip-hop, electro, song or rock, which allows me to adapt to each artist while respecting their codes and identity. 

To date, more than 200 artists have trusted me.

To all those who use a stage as a space for communication, delivery or performance.

You wish, individually or in group, to develop your stage presence, your relationship with the public, the space and the environment.


You need to clarify your intentions, to reinforce your energy, to be free on stage?

Please contact me 



Art teacher

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